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On 24 October 2016, we organised a private roundtable that brought together the four Ambassadors to the European Union of the Visegrad Countries and twelve amongst the most prominent think-tanks in Brussels. The think tank focuses on all policy areas that impact on rural business with a strong emphasis on agriculture and food policies, particularly the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but also food standards, the food chain, environment, energy and trade issues. The Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) is the European think tank dedicated to ever better regulation for the energy, tech, media, telecom, mobility and water sectors. Mere hours away from the final vote on the UK’s Withdrawal Agreement from the EU, the visit was one of anticipation, uncertainty, and excitement. The Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels is a non-profit organisation that unites leading Ukrainian and EU think tanks under one umbrella, serving as a permanent, independent communication channel for the non-governmental analytical community, whose mission is to further the European integration of Ukraine. GGI brings together senior policy-makers, scholars and practitioners from the world's leading institutions in order to devise, strengthen and improve forward-looking approaches to global governance. The EU’s demographic upheaval is going to demand sweeping new policies, yet the difficult choices involved are insufficiently highlighted by the Brussels commission. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels has launched its blog on BlogActiv. At this occasion, I would like to take the opportunity to write a history of this organization at the forefront of the EU-UK relationship, which I have been representing in Brussels for almost twelve years. ... and a good understanding of the EU food system, the Farm to Fork strategy and other existing and upcoming pieces of legislation impacting our food system. Farm Europe is a think tank that aims to stimulate thinking on rural economies in the European Union. Think Tanks The following think tanks focus on business, trade, the transatlantic economy, or all of the above: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (Washington, DC, U.S.) This site uses cookies: Find out more. Nowadays, the Belgian capital is de-facto the most similar place on earth to Washington DC” (note: the high amount of think tanks in Brussels also explains the high ratio-value and ranking of Belgium in all the previous figures). However, despite some initial successes, such as the Brussels Agreement of 2013, the dialogue facilitated by the EU and initiated in 2011 has stalled. The Global Governance Institute (GGI) is an independent, non-profit think tank based in Brussels. On 29 January, members of the King’s Think Tank European Affairs and Energy and Environment policy centres, and one of the Head Editors visited the European Union institutions in Brussels. Harnessing EU external cooperation to boost ambitious and coherent climate action. Mission Read more about who we are. The think tank for a more inclusive, sustainable and forward-thinking Europe #EuropeMatters. The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a leading Brussels-basedRead More European Student Think Tank and European Horizons host first ever European Policy Prize On March 29, 2021 By European Student Think Tank The main motivation for it is the need to encourage debate on issues of […] From dealing with China and stabilizing conflicts around Europe to combating climate change and regulating technology, this essay collection offers insights on how the indispensable partnership can once again seek common ground on major global issues. Brussels think tanks persist in funding secrecy ExxonMobil covertly funds EU climate skeptics Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), December 2006. Meanwhile Brussels has been accused of "shooting itself in the foot" in a foolish attempt to punish the UK for Brexit. Regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations are key elements in the EU accession process for all western Balkan countries. The EU strategic autonomy debate [What Think Tanks are thinking] Posted by EPRS Strategy ⋅ March 30, 2021 ⋅ 3 Comments Filed Under area of freedom security and justice , autonomy , briefings , economics and monetary issues , EPRS briefings , EU strategy , Foreign Affairs , international trade , Marcin Grajewski , what think tanks are thinking POLITICO’s chief Europe correspondent Matthew Kartnitschnig came out guns blazing against think-tankers in his comment piece “The fake news loved by EU leaders” (March 10). view all events. Next event online 22 Apr 2021. Why do US and EU think tanks diverge in their roles, priorities, and main constituencies? Think tankers interviewing politicians, he argued, is the equivalent of Fox News interviewing conservative politicians. Latest Analysis & Opinion. “That exports to the EU collapsed so badly, much worse than to everyone else, shows that, you know, quelle surprise, if you have some checks on the French side of the border, you’re going to have a lot less trade,” John Springford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank… During the first October 2020 plenary session in Brussels, Parliament held a debate on the rule of law and fundamental rights in the context of introducing conditionality measures in the framework of the 2021‑2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) and Next Generation EU. Area of Expertise. The Institute for European Environmental Policy is a sustainability think tank. Thursday, 18 March 2021 ... Rue Stevin 48, 1000, Brussels, Belgium Tel.+32 466 21 51 64 FOLLOW US The Institute for European Environmental Policy is a sustainability think tank. In Brussels, to simplify, too many think-tanks get too much of their money from the EU institutions to do research projects that lack real intellectual independence. The results of a new survey undertaken by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), demon­strates that, despite increased calls for the financial transparency of EU think tanks, secrecy prevails. Think Sustainable Europe serves as the idea generator for Think2030, a platform of leading sustainability experts from European think tanks, civil society, the private sector and local authorities. In this paper, researchers from the European Think Tanks Group propose a set of actions the EU should consider to raise its climate ambition and exert credible climate leadership in a challenging global context. Special "The European Think Tanks Group": The European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) brings together four leading European international development think tanks, among them the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Glasgow-born Fraser Cameron is director of the EU-Asia Centre, whose own website says it is “dedicated to promoting closer relations between the EU and Asia”. EU-India think tanks present insights on effective bilateral cooperation for a post-COVID world November 20, 2020 Selected short policy papers and participation at the EU … Serbia and Kosovo have both declared their intention to join the EU. As an independent, non-partisan platform, Think2030's main objective is to identify science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe. Headquartered in London, but with offices across Europe, this think-tank provides up-to-date news, policy analysis and in-depth publications on EU foreign relations, including yearly scorecards on European Foreign Policy (a systematic annual assessment of Europe’s performance in … Providing the first substantive analytical comparison of think tanks in Washington and Brussels, this book explores the differences that exist and why they developed. The European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) is a gathering of China experts from a selection of European research institutes. It is a member of numerous Brussels trade groups, both in the technology field – including DigitalEurope, mobile industry trade association GSMA, and the European Internet Forum – as well as general corporate lobby groups BusinessEurope and Friends of Europe (see think tanks). The MFF and Next Generation EU – a progress report. The Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels is a non-profit organisation that unites leading Ukrainian and EU think tanks under one umbrella, serving as a permanent, independent communication channel for the non-governmental analytical community, whose mission is to further the European integration of Ukraine. V4 Ambassadors to the EU Met with Brussels Think-tanks in an Open Debate October 31, 2016. New Delhi, 15 January 2020.Leading think tanks from India and the European Union met in Delhi on the sidelines of the Raisina Dialogue yesterday to discuss "EUIndia: Strategic Partners in 2020 and beyond" against the background of the closer partnership in recent years, the new EU Strategy on India announced in November 2018, and the current global geo-political environment. The time has come for the EU and the United States to repair the transatlantic relationship and to build back better. The EU needs blue-sky, out-of-the-box thinking that can counter-balance its conventional roles ... Rue Stevin 48, 1000, Brussels, Belgium Tel.+32 466 21 51 64 СОЦІАЛЬНІ МЕРЕЖІ . We bring decisive contributions for robust and efficient regulation in Europe and beyond through top quality in-depth research and lively debates. The head of a Brussels-based think-tank is under investigation by a joint Belgian-British team, on suspicion of leaking sensitive information to two Chinese agents posing as journalists. It is devoted to the policy-oriented study of Chinese foreign policy and relations between China and European countries as well as China and the EU. In the first half of 2016, eight think-tanks from the Visegrad Group that have been cooperating in the Think Visegrad platform, agreed on the idea proposed by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, to create a common representation office in Brussels. Weekly analytical report: March 22 – 28, 2021. Just after Brexit finally happened, British EU affairs think tank Open Europe ended its operations after almost fifteen years. The current Brussels think-tanks suffer in part from being introverted, focused on EU institutional issues and, perhaps because of their pro-European and federalist proclivities, they are reluctant to stir things up. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels has launched its blog on BlogActiv. EU policy-making is more dependent on think tanks in Brussels. A new EU think tank called the 'Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory' (BRUEGEL) has been launched by former commissioner Mario Monti and French economist Pisani-Ferry in Brussels.

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