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A Super URL is a way to link directly to an Amazon product listing, while making the ranking algorithm think the click came from an organic search. Entdecken, shoppen und einkaufen bei Günstige Preise für Elektronik & Foto, Filme, Musik, Bücher, Games, Spielzeug, Sportartikel, Drogerie & mehr bei The ranking algorithm can ignore multiple purchases from the same search. The search engine’s goal is to optimize purchases. Everything you need to know when using LandingCube. This means the ranking system will omit them. However, the million dollar question is – do Super URLs work? Amazon Super URL und FIBA Solution stellen Amazon Händler ein kostenloses Tool zum generieren einer Amazon Super URL zur Verfügung. Re: Amazon: Wo finde ich den Link zu meinem Amazon-Shop? ", There are other super awesome factors that help improve your Amazon rankings, and you can get in on those secrets in my. Keyword. I just would not risk it and ensure your link is clean. Again, the above is my belief based on the following criteria: The best and safest link to send to your raving fans is what I call the base URL. Learn how an Amazon seller used LandingCube to rank #1 and become "Amazon's Choice". Amazon tracks when searches are made – so you’re not fooling anyone. Okay…But What’s So Super About That Link? Inside your Amazon Affiliate account, you need to list your social media page, or YouTube channel as an approved site for your affiliate link. New release movies. Amazon knows if you messed with the link – some people actually recommend you remove the QID or book rankings numbers…haha…oy. As for your store front, you can, but I’d still just use the most base url for your store front to be on the safe side. Please follow this link or go to Deals and Shenanigans: Zappos Shoes & Clothing: Ring Smart Home Security Systems eero WiFi Stream 4K Video in Every Room: Neighbors App Real-Time Crime & Safety Alerts Amazon Subscription Boxes Top subscription boxes – right to your door: PillPack It helps the Amazon A9 search algorithm’s ranking process – connecting relevant listings with customer searches. Musik-Downloads. The best method to improve your Amazon search rankings is to build a strong brand, drive traffic, get reviews and make sales. By looking at the URL, crafty sellers figured out at some point how to turn external traffic into a boost for keyword rankings. Durch die Nutzung des Super URL Tools ist es E-Commerce Händlern möglich, einen Link mit spezifischen Keywords zu erstellen und hierdurch das Ranking bei Amazon zu verbessern. Partnerlink. See more. That way, Amazon is good with seeing sales and traffic come from your social media or YT. New: "Coming 2 America" Watch now on Prime Video. Amazon Super URLs ermöglichen es dir dein Produkt unter einer individuellen URL anzeigen zu lassen, in welcher die Hauptkeywords zu deinem Produkt hinterlegt sein … There are a couple of newer alternatives. Bitly will generate an URL with a random suffix but you use the “Customize” option to set any other string as the suffix for that short URL. Warum taucht meine Partner-ID nicht in der URL auf, nachdem man zu weitergeleitet wurde? Ich bekomme immer wieder Fragen dazu, was Amazon Super URLs eigentlich sind, wie man sie generiert und welche Vorteile sie mit sich bringen. This Amazon Marketing 'Hack' Is Silently Killing Your Books #BookMarket, Link responsibly, my friends #BookMarketing. Wenn man jetzt also auf eine Amazon (Unter)Seite linken will und Amazon selbst bietet keinen verkürzten Link an, geht man einfach auf bzw. This is the UNIX Epoch time of the product search – the exact number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. High percentage of certain type of review from a link? Next page. Schon jetzt handelt es sich bei den ersten drei Suchtreffern einer Produktsuche zu 70% um Amazon-Artikel. It sounds wonderful, and it makes a LOT of sense…but guess what…it’s not good! The easiest way to understand what exactly Amazon Super URL is is to go to, search for something in the main search box, then click on the link for one of the products. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t run external traffic campaigns targeted at particular keywords. Entdecken Sie aktuelle Bestseller, Neuheiten oder stöbern Sie in unseren Sonderangeboten und finden Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik zum kleinen Preis. Some services offer the solution of a dynamic Super URL generator. How to Use the Amazon Super URLs Generator 1) Select the marketplace that your products are sold on (,,, etc.) fussel Beiträge: 8975 Registriert: So 10. Basic Super URLs may not work for ranking anymore. The numbers after “qid” are the search’s timestamp. It’s too easy for Amazon to spot sales coming from regular Super URLs, due to the timestamp and other identifiers in the URL structure. When you sign up for an Amazon Associate account, you sign terms and user agreements, making yourself an official Amazon affiliate. 05.04.2021 Ich liebe Hühner die kacken Frühstück T-Shirt. It only help you increase reviews, some firsts sales. Learn how to rank your Kindle book #1 on Amazon with our collection of time-tested tips and tricks. A smarter home. In this article, we’re going to explain what Super URLs are, along with why, how and if you should use them. Most Super URLs today are easily detected by Amazon, and don’t give any power for ranking. Yup. Falls es überhaupt noch funktioniert, man kann die Manipulation einfach blocken indem man den Referer abfragt, kann es aber auch eine super Methode sein sich selbst ins … Hi Steven. To understand a Super URL, we first need to understand is the elements of a URL. It validates whether or not the link is true based on the rank at the particular time it was created and that someone hasn’t manipulated the link. It’s quietly killing your books and I believe is quickly becoming one of the reasons why so many decent and legitimate reviews are disappearing. Naturally, you need to provide an incentive for customers to actually go through the effort and do this. Okay…But What’s So Super About That Link? Have Amazon changed the format?This is the link when I look for the product directly in Amazon:…Also if I want to use a URL that takes users to my storefront, is that an issue?This is the URL to the storefront:…Thanks. Shop deals in Fashion. I believe this is because their automatic system calculates the potential of biased review based on certain factors – remember, automatic means automated, which means non-human. Dieser Artikel: amiibo Young Link Super Smash Bros. Collection von Nintendo Nintendo Switch 39,90 € Nur noch 1 auf Lager Versandt und verkauft von SKELESTORE. The whole point of this is to attribute the same, specific ranking power to a sale from external traffic as one from organic traffic. See, if Amazon sees a lot of sales for one product coming from a particular search term, they’re going to rank the product higher for that search term (since it appears popular and relevant). Book Rankings Number: This shows where the book ranks for that keyword search at the time of the search. Required fields are marked *. Wenn Sie zusätzlich Ihre Tracking-ID angeben, wird Sie direkt an die URL angehängt. Partnerlink. This means once the customer clicks through to the product listing, it will result in an organic click attributed to the chosen keyword. So, my opinion is that that is more fine than a product searched link. Amazon doesn’t make specific mention of Super URLs. Feb 2008, 15:29 Land: Deutschland. Super URLs can be used to help increase your search ranking on Amazon. Best Sellers Today's Deals Prime Customer Service New Releases Books Fashion Kindle Books Gift Cards Toys & Games Find a Gift Amazon Home Computers Sell Pharmacy Video Games Registry Coupons Automotive Home Improvement Beauty & Personal Care Amazon Basics Smart Home Health & Household Pet Supplies Handmade TV & Video Baby #FoundItOnAmazon Disability Customer Support In the news story, notice that Amazon tracked the bad reviews from one link that was posted in Reddit….and boy did they act! Because a book’s ranking changes all the time, this set of numbers creates what mathematicians would call a check-sum. The difference is that Search Find Buy (SFB) doesn’t send the customer to a storefront or brand search results page, which Amazon may be able to pick up on. 02.04.2021 Picdump Nummer 719 von Operation. Each time you create an Amazon link using keyword searches, Amazon marks and tracks it. Learn about Super URLs in this post. If they go on to purchase, your rankings for the specific keyword will get a natural boost. What’s worse is some people are actually using it without even knowing it. 2-Step URLs are used to good effect by many successful sellers. My question is in terms of sharing the affiliate links on social media or in ads. Wie erstelle ich einen einfachen Textlink zu einem bestimmten Artikel der Seite? This is the Amazon link up to the 10 digit ASIN number. This service redirects the traffic through a unique link with a specific timestamp and the desired keyword, before they land on the Amazon listing. Pay-per-click advertising campaigns (e.g. We know it’s good because we built it ourselves! Join 111,585 other authors who receive weekly emails from us to help them make more money selling books. But the link actually contains information on how the person came to that listing. It’s a link that people think you should use. LandingCube is not affiliated with or funded by Amazon or any of its subsidiaries.© 2021 LandingCube. They can do this by sending people to their product through a specific URL, with a keyword and unique timestamp attached. However, I’m just launching a new product, and tried to do a regular search in Amazon for my product keywords, and in the real results url, there is no timestamp there. For instance, I reserved the following two URLs for my eBook that I published last week. Targeting specific keywords to boost your rankings is one of the most powerful benefits. This URL points to the product page of the desired Amazon product, but it also contains a dynamically generated qid field and the seller-specified keywords to make it look like an organic search occurred. Again, this is just another factor that raises Amazon’s review removal response. This is the UNIX Epoch time of the product search – the exact number … Haben Sie also einmal eine Frage zur Abwicklung Ihres Einkaufs, dem Versand oder auch den Vorteilen von Prime, so sind Sie bei dem Amazon-Support genau an der richtigen Adresse und werden kompetent … Ist nun der Content auf der Produktseite perfekt optimiert, steigt die Chance, dass Du auch bei einer Suchanfrage bei Google mit Deinem Amazon-Produkt rankst. Shop deals in Home. Ganz einfach: ein Amazon-Produkt hat eine unique URL, die wiederum bei Google indexiert wird. There are no Keyword Tagging, time tags, or checksums inside of an Amazon Associate link – therefore, there is no “intent” to game the system nor does it affect their algo rankings. Get. There are many benefits of driving traffic to your product from external sources. This part (blender) shows the keywords used in the search that found this listing. But since Amazon doesn’t make the details of their search rankings public, we can’t know for sure if they have stamped it out or not. However, it’s important that people you send through this link at likely to buy your product, not just look at it. Kann man individuelle Amazon Super URLs generieren? Funneling a lot of non-converting traffic through a Super URL may actually damage your search rankings. Amazon zählt zu den populärsten Shops der Welt und auch in Deutschland kaufen bereits Millionen Verbraucher Waren für den Alltag sowie Elektronik und vieles mehr ein. Weight. As the name suggests, it is a link that takes a customer to the listing in two steps. Der Web-Service Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) stellt sichere, skalierbare Rechenkapazitäten in der Cloud bereit. Yup, Chance that link is producing biased reviews? New: "The Stand" Watch now on Prime Video. Super URLs increase perceived traffic from specific keyword(s) desired by the seller. For example, if you send 100 people to your listing through a Super URL with the keyword “memory foam pillow”, Amazon’s search algorithm should see this as 100 people searching for “memory foam pillow” and clicking on your product. Super Url hört sich natürlich toll an, ist technisch aber nur eine simple Manipulation des Links der zum Produkt führt. No problem. Seeing that you created a link, used a keyword in order to potentially game their algo system, and a high percentage of those who use that link ultimately leave a review, Amazon’s automated system probably sees the connection and combined with other factors, initiates the auto-removal of the review. However, they do state MULTIPLE times that any “intent” on manipulating their metrics will be dealt with. Apr 16, 2019 - An Amazon Super URL can help boost product listings' search rankings, but some sellers say they're no longer working. Look at the URL for that page. Amazon Warehouse Great Deals on Quality Used Products : Whole Foods Market America’s Healthiest Grocery Store: Woot! Hi Dave,Super URL will help increase your keywords of listing but if use Amazon Associate link.

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